
Introducing FG Factor Drinks

Connor Smith’s battle with depression and anxiety began in his early teens, and for years he struggled in silence, feeling unable to speak about the demons that plagued his mind. As he grew older, he began to realise the impact that nutrition can have on mental health, and this realisation sparked an idea within him.

Connor’s experiences, combined with his newfound knowledge, led to the creation of FG Factor – a line of drinks designed specifically to promote mental well-being.

Through his collaboration with, Connor was able to bring his vision to life, and now, FG Factor offers three delicious and nutritious drinks that not only tantalise the taste buds but also provide essential nutrients for the mind and body.

The Strawberry & Raspberry, Pomegranate & Blueberry, and Peach & Mango flavours are packed with ingredients like gingko biloba extract, vitamins, and minerals that are known to support mental health.

Connor’s journey from battling his own mental health issues to creating a product designed to help others is truly inspiring. He is proof that even in the darkest of times, there is hope, and that sometimes, out of our struggles, we can find purpose and make a positive impact on the world. And through FG Factor, Connor is doing just that, one refreshing, mentally nourishing drink at a time.

Available at

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